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My journey in the world of Advertising – Traditional to Digital

‘Adworld is Madworld’ – this is what I had heard as a child. And above I had heard people talk that the ones who are in the advertising world are not the people with morale.

So advertising for me was not by choice it was by chance.

I started my journey when I was barely 18 years and just out of my 12th. Fate brought me to this field and I continued to pursue this as I got literally addicted and passionate about the industry.

Actually I wanted to be a doctor and I bet each one of us as a child either want to be a doctor, teacher or an engineer. This idea is instilled within us from the day we are born.
My Journey
My Journey - Traditional to Digital Advertising

But destiny plays. So here I am almost 15 years in the advertising industry and still going.

Many a times I too have felt that I may not belong here because of the culture that is in the advertising industry but has enjoyed my journey all along.

Traditional or Conventional advertising was ruling until few years back. Then we saw the evolution in advertising by Digital or Online advertising coming into existence. The internet growth over the years and the impact it has on the world today made me to catch up with the trend.

And hence made me explore this world of digital marketing and I found that I am part of it already being in the advertising all the while it was not difficult for the transformation from traditional to digital.

I started on self-learning mode, pushing my company to spend some money online for couple of clients and I also spent some money from my pocket to sell my blog online. It was fascinating and kept me hooked for hours until the wee hours.

I wanted to pursue my newly found passion and entered the Web Marketing Academy for the Digital Marketing Training program to learn it from the professionals who had tried and tested the platforms well.

I am completely happy today as I know much more than what I knew earlier to WMA. I am quite confident in this world as I was in my previous world of Traditional Advertising.


  1. I knew you suited best for digital age rather than traditional one. Wish u all the best.


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